The Lodge History - 75 Years, 1943 - 2018

what freeman knoweth freedom? Never he
whose father's father through long lives have Reigned
O’er Kingdoms which mere heritage attained.
Though from his youth to age he roam as free
As winds, he dreams not Freedom’s ecstacy.
But he whose birth was in a nation chained
For centuries; where every breath was Drained
From breasts of slaves which knew not there could be
Such thing as freedom, – he beholds the light
Burst, dazzling; though the Glory blind his sight
He knows the joy. Fools laugh because he reels
And wields confusedly his infant Will;
the Wise man watching with a heart that feels
Says: “Cure for freedom’s harms is freedom still.”
Helen hunt Jackson

It contains a wealth of information about our Lodge from its beginnings in 1943 right up to the 75th anniversary in 2018. There’s the Lodge’s ancestry, details of members and officers, interesting information about what was happening in 1943 and a wealth of photographs.
Click here to download a pdf of the history.
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