A History of the Lodge

The word ‘freedom’ in our name is synonymous with the era during the Second World War when the Lodge was formed and consecrated. At that time, freedom was a concept of World significance, deeply rooted in human nature, and the Union flag and flaming torch symbol used the original logo seen on the right, encapsulated the national focus on remaining a free and unoccupied democracy.
The war involved everyone and everything, and the tragedies of the fierce and merciless conflict took a heavy toll, turning the world into a wilderness of disaster. Founding a Lodge called Freedom at that time was a means by which the founders could demonstrate noble qualities and the finest of aspirations. Two of the founders were members of Old England Lodge No. 1790 which was consecrated in May 1879 and is still in existence, so that Lodge is the ‘Mother Lodge’ of our own.
The Founders
There were twenty five founder members and the Lodge was consecrated on Wednesday 9 June 1943. At that time the membership consisted of ten shopkeepers, three publicans, one Royal Navy Petty Officer and a variety of other professions and tradesman.
Those merchants and tradesman were behind the prevailing decision to meet on Wednesday afternoons, as this was their early closing half-day. At the July 1943 meeting, two new Masons were initiated and a further five existing Freemasons joined from other Lodges. So The Croydon Lodge of Freedom got off to a good start with thirty-two members within a month of consecration and by June 1944 the membership had risen to forty.